MonMae 0.9.5: Battle Upgrades, QoL Enhancements, & Visual Editor Tweaks
Hey everyone! Yana here again with another update~ Today I've brought you MonMae 0.9.5 with lots of new goodies! Let's deep dive into it.
What’s New in 0.9.5?
- Protect Spam Protection: Say goodbye to endless Protect loops! Now, the success rate drops from 99% to a big fat zero with consecutive uses. That's right, low level enemy Casper's can now die (lol).
- Super Speed-Up in Battles: Hold the enter key and zip through Dokimon battles faster than ever before. This feature was here from the beginning but ran into issues. We've brought it back better, and without any Bug monsters this time.
- Red Health Bar Alert: A glaring red health bar now warns you when your Dokimon is in the danger zone.
- Type Advantage Hints: Pop-up hints in battles clue you in on move effectiveness, making strategy a snap.
- Enhanced Move Info: Hit Tab for a deep dive into move details, now with icons for at-a-glance insights.
- World Battles, Upgraded: They’re back, with tweaks and improvements for a better world experience. Next up for these, move animations!
- Yes/No Prompts System: Our visual editor’s yes/no prompts system got a major upgrade, making decisions smoother (and less risky).
- Element Type Chart System: Building on elemental advantages is now simpler, thanks to our revamped type chart system. Next up for elements, visual editor support. Soon, you'll be able to do this all within the VE, as easy as can be^^
- Robust VE Save System: Our upgraded save system secures your progress by allowing for backups, and also force-close saves automatically. Simply hit the load button, and click on any of the three saves to start working off of those. But remember, loading a save will overwrite and existing progress you have not saved or backed up, and only the standard save is what loads in your game.
- Simplified Start Game Options: "Start Game" script has been split to make more sense. Now, "start_game" sets the setting for a player who is starting your game for the first time. MonMae launch settings, for whether or whether you don't want to load the visual editor select screen, has been moved to a new script called "MonMae_launch_settings". Simply set which option you'd like to boot with by setting STARTUP_METHOD to 0-3 based on the key provided. Next time with Launch Settings, we will have a dedicated exe that will allow you to set launch settings in a window, rather than with code.
- Innovative Move Types: We’ve introduced new moves types that includes moves that hit the opposite defense stat, have finalized the flat damage moves, and are rolling out new moves that clear battle stats or cleanse statuses. We're also working on a few new move-types that will be added in the next major update.
Lastly, we've added new arguments to the encounters script, that allows you to set which background your wild encounter will take place in.
This update brought a lot of exciting new things and came with it's handful of issues, most of which have been resolved at the time of writing this. Updates moving forward will focus on smaller things that have been requested, and mainly working on improving the Visual Editor and adding features and a better workflow to it alone as much as possible.
As always, we’re eager to hear what you think. Your feedback is what has brought us this far and has helped evolve MonMae into what it is today! If you ever have feedback or suggestions, let us know in the discord channel.
Thanks again!
- Yana
Get MonMae: Infinite+
MonMae: Infinite+
Monster Tamer games? Oh yeah, there's an engine for that!
Status | In development |
Category | Tool |
Author | yano |
Tags | 16x16, Game engine, GameMaker, pokemon, RPG Maker, Top-Down, Turn-based |
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