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I'm just curious because I didn't see it anywhere listed. Will MonMae made  games be able to be multiplayer, as in battle someone else on a different device or trade? I am just learning coding and this platform looks like such a reliever to get the ideas out of my head into something tangible. Buying it now!

Hello, thank you so much for your interest in the project :) I haven't delved into multiplayer yet as there as still some things I wanna do first that I believe are more important and more useful for the users. You can read about what I have in story in the devlogs attached to this page :)

As for multiplayer, I think probably it will be the last thing I do, if it's within the realm of possibility. I'm planning to have all the features I have planned for MonMae finished sometime next year, so once that happens, I will do my research and see if multiplayer can be added somehow, because that's a feature that not only lots of people have asked for but it's also something I really want to do and implement and see in my own projects too^^

I'm about to buy this myself I just wanted to check are there any assets you sell that are compatable with this engine that aren't included with it?  I see a number of "starters sets" do they come with the engine or is it worth getting them along side it. I only plan on using the engine not using it outside of the engine

Hey~ The only assets that don't come with it are 2 of the starters sets :)

Which starter sets as there are three.

Sets 1 and 2~

I wish there was a trial version available :(

Sorry :( The only thing I can recommend for this instead is watching the YouTube tutorials (they're linked on this page) and also joining my discord server and asking other people what they think or how their experience has been.
Eventually I'm gonna be uploading even more tutorials, and also probably even some devlogs so that you can get further insight, but for now what I mentioned above is all I can offer you.
When the tool goes on Steam we might have a demo, but that's a long ways off.


Hello! The demo link on the top leads to a 404 error.


Ahh, thank you. I will fix it. I appreciate you letting me know!


I learned of the existence of this through Twitter today, and immediately came to check out the page. I've always been fascinated by things like RPG Maker on Playstation 1 and 2, and this looks amazing. Can't wait to check it out for myself. 

Hey I'm so glad to hear that :) Let me know if you have any questions! You can also chat with me and fellow developers in the discord linked at the bottom of the page, or check out the YouTube tutorials if you wanna learn more about the engine^^

hi there! does the engine allow the possibility of battling other trainers? or is there a way to do that even in a "hacky" way?

Hello, of course you can battle other trainers! Did you play the demo? I'm not sure if the demo let's you get as far as battling players, but it's very possible yes :)

We even have an intuitive trainer editor that we just recently released that lets you make trainers and assign their monster teams. You can see a video of that here.


Sorry, I think I wasn't clear. Can you fight the actual people? Not their mon, the trainers?


Ahhh, you wanna fight people? I see. You can do it pretty easily by simply swapping out the monster sprites with people. Someone I know was making a super hero fighting game that was a team of super hero's using powers against bad guys in turn based combat. It was pretty cool!


Yeah. I was thinking about making a grittier Mon game where you can fight someone and take their Mon :P

if i just want to buy all the art? And make different types of games with it, is that allowed as well?

Absolutely~ There are separate assets available that contain the artwork. You can find those here:  Assets


Awesome I was looking for the UI packs as well. Which pack is that in?

I haven't uploaded an asset pack for UI yet, but I basically have on finished. Just need to work on the itch page and a neat looking cover for it :) It would have a bunch of UI options, buttons, and other fun stuff :)

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Sweet looking forward to it. Working on a vampire survivor style Pokemon game. Got the prototype done. LF forward to it. All in Unity using DOTS so I can have 10k+ objects on screen 0 Lag.

Oh wow that sounds really fun! :D Best of luck with your project!

Hello, is there a cheaper version of the engine that only has the main parts of the "skeleton" of the game? In other words, it does not contain music, graphics and all the things that make it the visual delight that you see in the images.


Hello, we do have plans to make a version similar to how you outlined at a discounted price, but we're waiting until the majority of MonMae updates are finished to keep development smooth. If we open up and start updating and supporting two versions of MonMae it would create difficulties and delays.

what is the difference this bundle to MonMae + Dokimon [COMPLETE] Bundle Pass?

i can get the sprite sheets on gamemaker past and edit colors in aseprite?

Hello~ Yes that's mostly correct. This is the engine only, and the bundle is the engine + all assets with licenses to use those assets in other engines or however you please. 

When buying the engine only, we ask users to not export assets out of the engine.

So we can still add our own sprites? we just can't edit the ones without the bundle (change colors etc)

You can add your own sprites and/or edit the ones you bought to use in your game however you please :)

The thing that's not allowed is exporting assets from MonMae to use them in a elsewhere. If you're making a game with MonMae, you can add or edit sprites as you please.

If you buy artwork in one of my bundles or asset packs, you can edit them or use them together with other assets for your game as you please~

If you have any more questions feel free to contact me in our discord channel (it's linked on this page). I can respond much quicker on there :)

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Wow thanks for the quick reply! been wanting to make my own tamer for a long while and this looks really helpful, the amount of work you guys put in must have been immense. Might have to wait a lil bit to buy it but looking forward to it. 

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I tried installing on my laptop using the app and it just downloads the readme. Can you help me?

Hello, I've never used the app before but I believe (and I could be wrong) that that's for games only?
If you use the website, you should be able to download everything no problem 

How do you call the analogy for the poke ball?

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Analogy? Do you mean the Captals? I'm not sure what you're asking but if you need help can you please ask in the discord? 😁 It's linked above these comments 

 I mean, to catch a pokemon we use a poke ball, but what do we use to catch a dokimon?😁



Cool :)


This is fantastic but a little too expensive, i will consider buying it in the future but a more accesible version whould be great for more people like me to use your engine, maybe with a watermark or maybe less customization options for 15-20 dollars ??? maybe a limit of things on screen idk


Hey :) Thanks so much for the input. We do sales pretty often so maybe keep an eye out, as we've seen prices as low as 60$

I'll be working on a cheaper version that doesn't include goodies like the massive amounts of art, music, and sounds, for those that want to save, and make their own of those anyway, so perhaps you can wait for one of those~ We haven't done so thus far since the engine is still in development and we don't have the capacity to submit multiple versions just yet, however we have plans to do so once MonMae is where we want it to be^^

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That's great to hear, I am rolling my own assets and things so I am interested in a "pared down" version. RPGArchitect, for instance, is currently $30 on Steam, for comparison's sake. I am interested in this and will be watching eagerly but the battle architecture is mostly what I'm interested in. I'm guessing a final date is nowhere near finalized, but if you had to place a guess at a 1.0 version, how long would you say it would take, given the current output?


I'm looking to release a 1.0 version within 1-2 months from the time of writing this. 3 months at the latest, as it depends on how the release schedule works out for Dokimon. Although, 1.0 will not be the last steps for MonMae, so please expect it to grow and evolve even from that point on.

Hello devs!  I have a question, and sorry if this has been asked before.  The page says this project supports exporting games to current-gen game consoles.  Is there any support for exporting to older consoles, such as the Super NES, PlayStation 1, or Dreamcast?

The system runs off GMS, so I don’t think that would be possible.

Is there a chance we can get a roadmap? I want to buy it, however I want to make sure it will all the features I'm looking for.

Heyo~ Thanks for your interest in the project :)

We have a roadmap type thing in our discord group, which is basically a to-do list that shows things we've completed, are currently working on, and will be working on very soon. Here's a link to that.

I can also add a "future goals" section to that page if you're interested in hearing more about that as well~

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I really wanna buy it but I have a few questions. I'm a huge of HeartGold/SoulSilver and I'd like to implent the follower system. Is it possible? Also, is it possible to make a PvP like the GBA games?

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Hello :) It's not possible just yet but it will be very soon. I have already made and coded this feature and I will be adding it into the engine after more testing^^

As for PvP, we do have plans to implement it, but it's still a little ways off as we have other priorities at the moment.

Heyo! Just wanted to let you know that follower monsters have been implemented and are working in the newest version :)

The new version is live and I will be pushing out a devlog for it once a patch update goes out~

y si crean una versión lite para pobres como yo?,  pero igual se ve bastante prometedor.

I will perhaps do it one day, once the engine is much farther along :)


xD, no crei que me responderias.

Eu respondo a todos! e eu quero estudar português no futuro então :)


Ok, sigue así, vas por buen camino.

Will it drop to consoles tho?


You can make games for consoles :) It's almost impossible to make a game engine for console, however we would be able to make like a "make your own game" where you can create games and send them to friends and stuff, similar to mario maker :)

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yeah that's what I was hoping for like a rpg maker but for pokèmon/shin megami tensei games for consoles,will you ever do it? Also thanks for the fast response 


Yes, I'm working the project closer to RPG Maker as much as I can, and also looking to add more dialogue options that are similar to shin megami tensei as it's been requested a lot :)


Very cool keep it up


What language is the code written in?


This is written in GML^^


Will there be/is there a way to try it out before buying it? Like a trial version or demo so you can use it at least for a bit to see if you like it.


Hello~ Yes I'm working on a demo/trial to release in the future :)

For now, I suggest checking out the game demo available at the top of the page, and our quick YouTube Tutorial series ^^

Looks so promising! :) 

Is there any chance a future update might include exporting to a .pocket file (for Analogue Pocket)? 


I'm not sure if it's possible D: Even only the art itself isn't possible, as it exceeds the limitations of Gameboy hardware.

However, edited versions of the tileset could be made and used for .pocket and GB versions of the game, and the game could be re-made in GB Studio, which is something I've always wanted to do!

But, I don't think the engine will be able to support native exportation to Pocket/GB, I would have to make a similar version of this for GB Studio WHICH, may very well be possible. I will look into it :)


That's good news :) Thank you!


Any plans for backsprites?


Once we get to version 1.0 and a working version on Steam we will asses where the engine is at, and if things go well we'll very likely be adding back sprites. So, likely yes, but not guaranteed. If we do add them however it will be this year for sure and included in the current price.

Understandable. I will most likely make my own sprites but I really like your sprites too. As someone who does not know the work involved, I am really hoping for abilities too, its my favorite feature in Pokemon games. But it seems like a lot of work xD

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Hi Yana, I see that you also sell assets packs where it says I can use it in other engines. I wonder there's an update in policy that I can use the assets from this MonMae engine purchase in other engines as well? Or do i need to purchase these asset packs separately. Thanks!

Also, are all monster assets included in the engine available for purchase separately? I think the total for the 3 starter packs + 3 assets packs are like 87 monsters vs 100+ stated in description here.

Yes you're correct :) All assets from MonMae aren't available commercially yet. I'm still working on organizing and uploading everything. If you purchase the [COMPLETE] bundle it will have everything (MonMae + Assets w/ commercial licenses). I did have another bundle that's all assets w/ commercial licenses yet without MonMae, but it's currently not live.

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So to be clear, these are the useage rights even with this package? Correct?

  • You Can: 
  • Edit and use these assets in any engine to create commercial, or non-commercials games
  • You Cannot:
  • Share or Sell these assets, nor derivations or fan arts of them, regardless of intent
  • You Must Credit:
  •  © Yanako RPGs LLC 2022

Ever since sword and shield released I always wanted to create my own monster taming game with all the features I personally wanted in a game. One problem I don't know how to code, so I figured this all would just be a dream to think about to kill time. Then I discovered MonMae. Yana aims to create an engine that non or less skilled coders can use to create monster taming games. I thought this was perfect and my best shot at making my dream a reality, so I backed the Kickstarter the day I learned of it. MonMae isn't perfect, still has a way to go, and is missing a few things I would personally like, but Yana is working hard on it as a solo dev and every update improves things, fixes bugs, or lays the foundation for new features in the future. As someone who can't code I've been having fun looking at the code and trying to see how things work and I think I've slowly started to learn some things. I've been able to to change small parts in the code to what I want that's not currently possible in the visual editor alone, so if you're worried about that, don't be. What's already there is cool and I'm excited to see what MonMae becomes in the future.


MonMae provides you with the foundations to build your own world within the Monster Tamer genre. It [Tackle]s the ground work [It's super effective] that would initially deter some from getting started in this genre. MonMae overall provides a solid tool that allows users to manifest their ideas into something real. I also love the retro style graphics which provide alot of charm.

So far my use of MonMae has been experimental as I've only just started getting into it. The developers seem quite dedicated to seeing this project grow, and are working on new features and updates regularly. I see myself one day trying to explore it much more seriously.


Thank you so much for the awesome comment and feedback!!! I'll keep doing my best until MonMae surpasses everyone's expectations :D


I spent a load of money on the Kickstarter but don't regret it at all, for years I dreamed of a well-made editor to make Mon-games and now it's a reality, look forward to the finished version!


I am buying this as soon as I have a stable amount of money, it's always been my dream to make my own pokemon like game. 

So glad to hear that! Do be sure to check out the tutorials and join our discord servers, we will be glad to assist and direct you! ^^


oh yeah one more thing, is there an option to make the screen square to get that authentic gameboy feel? 

Yes actually, you can have a 160x144 res (same as GBA) but the setting isn't yet in the Visual Editor as an option, but that's a good idea, I certainly should add it. Currently, you just have to go to the square object and set it's value to true and it will be square :)


I absolutely love the colour scheme you have used for this!

Thank you so much!!! Took a really long time to choose the colors and work out the style but yeah, I'm really happy with it!

Does it support higher fidelity/quality pixel art? For example, something that looks closer to B/W sprites and tiles?

Yes it's very very possible^^ We are working on creating a couple of demo's (or at least a demo reel) that shows many different types and styles of games that can be made with MonMae, however currently all time is being put into new features and making things easier for the less code-savvy users.

An intermediate user could make a B/W style game quite quickly and easily using MonMae, as swapping out the art is a process that could be done in only a day or two.


This looks really good! I have no money, but I'd be down to try this out when I get the chance!

what language is the engine written in


It's written in GML, GameMaker language~

I want to ask if there is any plans to have features that say, allow for 2+ type/elements to a monster, adjusting the amount super effective, resisted, and critical hits deal, an ability to change the amount of stats a creature has like a single "Special" stat akin to Pokemon RBY or even just a "Physical" stat, or even to have multiple abilities on monsters? I feel more freedom with stuff like these might make each project made with this stand out a bit more and would be fun to mess with.


You can already adjust the super effective, resisted, and critical hit amounts rather easy. It also wouldn't be too difficult to add 3rd / 4th types to monsters but may be a hassle to adjust the existing UI to match.


I don't own this yet, but it looks amazing! do all the creatures have overworld sprites as well?

Yes they do! You can see them from the videos, they're also used in the menu's like party menu for example.

Hi, if I understand correctly, it's engine requires additional software, is in fact under gamemaker 2 and not standalone software which is not at all comparable to rpg maker, clearly less easy to use. If this is the case, nothing is really specified on this page, you do not mention it, you do indicate on the other hand "Why pick MonMae over other Engines?" exports to all major console Nintendo Switch, Xbox, PS4, and of course PC, Web, iOS, and Android, but in fact only via gamemaker 2 and its subscription in addition, this engine has nothing to do with it. Afterwards, your system looks pretty good and tempted me, but the description is somewhat misleading and ambiguous as it sounds like real independent software.

Hello! Yes, currently MonMae requires GameMaker as an independent. We do have visual editors and are working towards an end goal of being completely standalone much like RPG Maker, but we’re not quite there yet.

Regardless, thank you for showing your interest in the project. In its current state, I believe it’s a little more suited for beginner to intermediate developers, but we’re hoping to be fully noob friendly within a few months :) Developement is quite slow with only a single programmer but we’re sure doing our best!

If you have any doubts about MonMae, please watch some of the tutorial videos linked on the page or reach out to me again, thank you!!

Hello! I have updated the page. Up until now I had this information in the download and install instructions, however I didn't realize until today that those instructions weren't visible to non-owners of the product, I hope it's more clear now!! Thanks again :)


Thank you so much for your hard work!


can't wait for release, literally my dream come true◝(⁰▿⁰)◜

So glad to hear that :D Working real hard on it!! 


Literally been building up stories and art and just so much to make a game like this for eeeeeever and just happened upon this randomly, only time my phone listening in on everything I say has been for the best, cannot wait for this to be released and just thank you for making it at all, I'm so excited!

So glad to hear that!! Where did you hear about MonMae? The product isn't finished yet (and currently isn't even for public sale), so we aren't running any ads. I'm a but curious :

I was looking around constantly for an engine that seemed fun to use or at least not insanely difficult to use and just happened to stumble on an old ass google link to the kickstarter that i missed by a lot lol. Sorry for late reply, though at least I can finally buy it!


Purchased it in early January but didn't find the time to look into the engine and the videos tutorials until today and honestly... this engine has EVERYTHING one might need, and the tutorials already available are complete and easy to understand. I've got 0 experience with Gamemaker or coding in general (except for Python solely used in the Ren'Py engine) but this engine is worth way more than every penny. If any of you has any experience with RPG Maker, this is even easier to use and actually lets you do way more. 

Can't wait for what the February public release and/or next update will bring, and thanks to Yanako and all the artists for this gem! It's making a decade-old project go from an unachievable dream to something that feels like playing a game in itself


Words cannot express how happy reading this comment made me, honestly! I'm so glad to hear that people are saying that this is easier to use than RPG Maker, even at the early stage that the engine is in. I'm so happy that your project has been made possible through my work, I'm really looking forward to seeing your game in the future!


Hii, call me really eager, but is the current public release for itch still February?  

Yes! That’s correct :) Thank you so much for your patience, I need the public release version to be as good as possible so I’m putting extra love into it!! 


I only wish I got to back this project on kickstarter🙈 I can't wait to see what you've been working so hard on!

No worries!! Me and the team are really looking forward to the public release, I hope it's everything you're wishing for!

Hi, there is no download option it's not ready? Are there plans to be able to buy it on Steam in the future?

Heyo~ A steam release is unlikely, however itch payments and downloads will return some time in February :)


Thank you very much for answering!  God bless you :D. By the way, when looking at the tutorial videos of the program in youtube, I realize that Game maker Studio 2 is being used, so is it possible that the game assets are larger than what is shown in the example?

I make large 48x48px sprites for characters, and I would like to know if I can use them in the project

 I hope that soon the full version will be available to buy XD

Yeah~ 48x48 character sprites can certainly be used. The reason we went with GMS2 is to allow for a non-restrictive workflow like this. It's actually really easy to change the graphics to whatever sizes and styles you want, but of course we will soon have tutorial videos for how to do all of this, just so there's no questions of confusion :)

Based engine fr

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